Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Married Life, or Everyday I'm Giggling

So it's been a while friends, and as you've probably guessed since I never updated after my last post, that juice cleanse didn't really go so well. (How the fuck are you supposed to have energy to raise your active toddler when you're just drinking juice? Like...seriously? What was I thinking?)

Anyway, I wanted to share a moment with you all. My husband and I will have been married for two years on June 19th, and the reason we have lasted two years without killing each other is because we make each other laugh every day. (That and for some unknown reason I can NOT stay mad at my husband. Seriously. I've tried. A lot.)

Recently, we were cleaning our kitchen up--which happens all the time because WTF why won't the kitchen stay clean we didn't even fucking cook today--and we had one of those "stop what you're doing and fall down laughing" moments. Here's what happened.

Me (desperately trying to figure out how the dishes keep multiplying despite them not being used): "Hey babe, can you unload the dishwasher? I'll load it, I just need all this shit put away first."
Him: "Yeah. I like unloading it anyway."
Me: "Well I like loading it, so that works."
Both of us stop what we're doing and look at each other.
Me: "Well that only took two fucking years to realize!"

I adore my husband. I really do. He is my soul mate and I just utterly and completely love him. I love the way he frowns in his sleep unless I scratch his head, how he takes longer showers than I do, how I can never stay mad at him (no really, it's why he's still alive...), and most of all I love how he loves our son.

Another one of our Murphy Moments as I sometimes call them came a few nights ago when we were getting into bed and discussing my parents' upcoming visits. I'll just jump right into this one since there's really no describing it...

Me: "So mom's coming on June fifth and staying until the fifteenth, then dad's gonna get here on the seventeenth I think and stay ten days."
Him: "Okay, sounds good."
Me: "So I guess dad will be here for our anniversary if we want to do anything."
Him: "Okay."
We both settle into bed.
A minute later...
Me: "So don't get mad, but I was thinking yesterday about our anniversary and I seriously couldn't remember if it's the seventeenth or the nineteenth."
Him: "I was JUST thinking the same thing."
Me: "I love you."
Him: "I love you too."

I hope you and yours have as much love as we do. Until next time, enjoy life and love with a Spoonful of Sugar.

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