Monday, January 27, 2014

This Time, Baby, I'll Be Bulletproof, or You're Putting WHAT In Your Coffee?

Morning folks! I thought I'd share a quick little bloglette (it's a thing) about my morning coffee today. Now, you might be asking, "But wait Miller, aren't you on a Paleo diet? Are coffee beans even considered Paleo?" Well, according to Paleo "purists", they aren't, but many people that eat a Paleo diet still choose to include coffee in their diet, stating that the benefits outweigh the downfalls. Also, it's just too crucial to most people's daily life. I know it's no picnic trying to talk to me before my morning cuppa--be it coffee or tea.

The health benefits of coffee have been widely debated for years; from whether or not it contains antioxidants to whether or not it can help ward off diabetes. In my opinion, it might as well be considered a daily supplement. I never have more than 8-12oz. in a day though. (In high school I could slug back at least two Ventis in a day though, on top of a Red Bull or two. Yuck.) As with all things, it's probably about moderation. So if we're only having one or two cups a day, how can we get the most out of our coffee?

I'm glad you asked!

May I introduce you to Bulletproof®, the brain-child of Dave Asprey, an investor and entrepreneur from Silicon Valley who literally life-hacked his way to better health. (He even managed to raise his IQ by 20 points and decrease his biological age. Like...dafuq?) Asprey said the Idea for Bulletproof® coffee came to him whilst on a trip to Tibet, where he was served Tibetan Yak Butter Tea. The basic principal of Bulletproof® is that you take Asprey's specially formulated coffee (or if you are cheap or don't really care [points at self] you can just use some good ol' French Roast) and add in healthy fats to help increase your brain activity and to utilize all those heart-healthy antioxidants.

Now, not all coffee can just have fat added to it and--tadah!--Bulletproof®. But, we can take Asprey's basic formula and replicate it at home!

Asprey's recipe calls for his special Bulletproof® coffee, grass-fed butter, and MCT oil. But I figure, I really don't have the funds for special "upgraded" oils, and I don't really have to buy them when there is a perfectly good jar of organic coconut oil in my pantry. So, I adapted the recipe to fit my needs, and hopefully yours too.

Miller's Kevlar Coffee
1 cup dark coffee of your choice (I prefer dark roasts, especially that include chicory root)
1 TBS grass-fed butter (like Kerrygold, unsalted)
1 TBS coconut oil
optional: sweetener of choice (honey, maple syrup, or coconut palm sugar are a few options)

Brew your coffee as you normally would, then pour it into your favorite mug.
Add in your butter and coconut oil, then using an immersion blender (or you could pour this all into a food processor or blender), blend until creamy and frothy.
Drink and enjoy!

Now, you're probably going, "Why in the hell would I put butter in my coffee?" Well, let me explain it to you!

Our bodies rely on fat, especially saturated fats, to give us slow-burning energy that will last throughout the day. (Slow-burning energy? That will last for hours? Put into my morning caffeine? Hmmm...) Not only do these healthy fats give us energy, but they are crucial to the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E, and K. Grass-fed butter contains Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for you, in almost a 1:1 ratio, which is super good. Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids and lauric acid, which is antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiparastical, and antiviral. It helps to support a healthy thyroid and thyroid function, keeps your skin young and radiant, aids in heart health, and even helps you lose weight.

I sent this recipe to my best friend, who tried it immediately, and she decided that it was less like a cup of coffee and more like a "broth" and I couldn't agree more. But it's like a broth in the best of ways. After a cup of Kevlar I usually feel full, I don't have that "foggy-head" issue anymore, and I'm ready to get my day started. I enjoy the regular Kevlar Coffee, but sometimes I just need some milk in my coffee. I don't mind it black (even though, through the blending, it's not like you're really drinking black coffee) but I'm used to having some sort of creamer in my morning cup. So I took the Kevlar Coffee recipe and turned it into a latte.

Miller's Kevlar Latte:
1 cup espresso, brewed normally
Creamer (I used some of our Happy Cow milk, which is low-temp pasteurized and non-homogenized)
Sweetener of choice (I like coconut palm sugar)
1 TBS grass-fed butter (unsalted)
1 TBS coconut oil

Brew your espresso as you normally would and steam your milk, cream, or half and half. After your espresso is done brewing, add in the sweetener, butter, and coconut oil. Place your immersion blender in the espresso and blend for about 30 seconds or until creamy and frothy. Add your creamer and espresso together and enjoy!

I'm off to re-heat my latte, as it's gone a bit cold while I've been writing this post out. I hope you try the coffee or the latte and let me know what you think! It's a great way to get a hit of nutrients and energy in the morning.

Until next time Kitchen Comrades!

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