Saturday, September 3, 2011


Tonight I find myself rather bored with a stuffy nose, and therefore stumbling about online looking for new kitchen inspiration. And wouldn't you know--I found it.

I read and looked at this article and the pictures and was amazed. I won't spoil it for you, because I think everyone should look at this. Everyone in America should look at this and see if they find it as appalling as I do. In Chad, Africa, for a family of 6, the weekly expenditure on food (as in all the food they will eat that week) is $1.23 AMERICAN. That's not even a tall latte from Starbucks, and yet, a family of 6 can, I won't say live, I'll say exist...on that for a whole week. And, existing is not fun. Surviving is not fun.

Inspiration. Right, that's what I was going to talk about.

So, this next week, I vow--I SWEAR--to right down everything we buy (groceries that is) and the price. We live on a budget in our single-income household, a budget that isn't the same from week to week. I think we actually do quite well with our budget, but sadly, we like to eat too well. Yes, I can buy 5 packages of Ramen for $1.00, but I'd rather buy 1 steak for a much higher price, or 1 lamb shank, or a few sweet potatoes.

This week, this week I will take care. This week, I will be meticulous.

No, this isn't a money saving venture, although, if it turns out to happen like that, so be it. If I happen to not buy that bottle of wine after all, or decide that we don't really need more butter, or sugar, or something, than so be it. Maybe that's a good thing.

Maybe it's already a good thing.

My younger sister just went off to college, and I love her to death, but I don't think she has a clue about the cost of living. I know I didn't. I never once thought of how much money my parents spent on food when I was dependant upon them. Now, as a parent myself, I'm already giving up things I would like to get things for my son. I'd rather him have some silly new toy he'll only play with for a few days than a good bottle of olive oil or a bag of great coffee.

I guess I've rambled quite a bit, but I'll go ahead and blame the benadryl on that. Well, I think that's all I have tonight really. Or, that's all my brain can come up with that'll make sense. And, my pillow is calling me.

My little man, showing an early zen for organic, homemade crackers.

Until next time, enjoy your loved ones and your life with a Spoonful of Sugar.

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