Thursday, September 15, 2011


So, it's officially fall, whether the temperature says so or not. Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year, because it means 3 things for me: pumpkins, apples, and pears.

Pumpkins are one of my favorite-est things in the whole world. They're so versatile and delicious, and they are SO good for you. Jason, my husband, is also a pumpkin lover...mostly when it's baked into his absolute favorite dessert: pumpkin pie. Luckily, we seem to have passed this trait onto our little monkey, so scarfed down some pumpkin, sweet potatoe, and coconut milk for breakfast this morning.

This year, I'm planning on making my own pumpkin puree instead of buying it canned, which they add color too and who-knows-what-else. I've never tried it before, so I'm kind of worried, but if all else fails, it can be baby food!

Apples are another one of my favorite foods. I've always loved apples, but I think my favorites are Gala and Pink Lady apples.

My favorite fall beverage--besides mulled wine (yum!)--would have to be apple cider. We have a juicer, and this year I'd like to make my own cider instead of buying jugs of it.

I'm also slightly obsessed with apple cake. Ok, that's a lie. I'm obsessed with any apple pastry. I recently made an apple galette and almost ate the whole thing. A while back we got a bunch of apples from Whole Foods and I ended up making 3 apple cakes in a week. :/ So. Freaking. Good.

Pears are delicious. There's nothing else to say. You can poach them, braise them, and best of all: they are amazing when you add booze. Port, wine, brandy, whiskey, all of them make pears that much better.

This year I'm planning on buying and trying to replicate some of these. They look amazing. The owner and baker at Tatte's makes a shortbread type of crust into a tart box and fills them with pastry cream, then lays these gorgeous pears on top and bakes it off until they're a luminous golden color. She then showers the already glorious tart with almonds. OH. MY. GOD.

I will make this. But first, I will enjoy shoving that sinfully delicious original tart into my yum-hole and savor every single crumb, even if I have to lick the plate. I've been waiting to try this tart since I first saw it shown on Cooking Channel's Unique Sweets. (Can you tell I'm just a little excited about this?)

Other things I'm excited about that don't involve food (shock!):

1. My son's first Halloween. (This is one of the costumes we're considering! SO CUTE!)

2. The 2nd anniversary of when Jason and I met.

3. Going to visit my family and friends in Memphis.

4. My favorite (non-chocolate) candy being in season once again! (Hint, hint mom.)

Little Monkey enjoying pumpkin and sweet potato soup.

That's it for now. So until next time, enjoy your loved ones and your life with a Spoonful of Sugar.


  1. After enjoying a cool Fall morning on the porch with my sweet husband before he heads to work, I read this and now I'm even MORE EXCITED about Fall treats & tonics! Miller, you have me drooling all over the keyboard this morning :) I gotta get that apple cake recipe from you. Please post so we can all indulge.

  2. no need to worry about the pumpkin puree. it's so easy, even i was able to do it with no mishaps! in fact, i think i'm gonna stock up on those little pumpkins while they're in season and just freeze a bunch of puree to have around when i need it. seriously, just one look at that golden yellow color, and there was no way i'd go back to sad, brown canned pumpkin.

    on the topic of pears, you wanna try the best pears you'll ever taste? you want some from harry & david. my aunt sends us a box of them for christmas, and i look forward to it every single year. SO. GOOD.
    also- you better be making that pear tart when i'm around, cuzzz... imma need summa dat. jus sayin.
