Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Inspired Revisited

So it's been a while friends, but I'm back.

I wrestled with the idea of posting this, since I hadn't gotten any sort of comment on the last post, but I decided I would post it anyway.

Our shopping for the past week for groceries was all done in one day: Friday.

We went to 2 stores: Sam's and Whole Foods. (We go to Sam's to stock up on freezer stuff like fish fillets and chicken. And Goldfish for my husband, because he can eat a whole bag in one sitting...)

I've misplaced the receipt from Sam's, but the total amount we spent there (and mind you, this is for 2 weeks total) was $118 and some cents.

At Whole Foods we bought all of our fresh produce and the majority of our meet (and all the baby's food.) We spent $160 even, because we donated a dollar to the school gardening fund.

So in all, give or take, for two weeks of grocery shopping in one trip, we spent $278 and some cents. So, for a week in a household with 2 adults, 1 baby, 1 cat, and 1 dog we spent roughly $139.

So it's not terribly expensive to eat healthily on a budget. We got 3 different types of tofu (mainly for the baby to eat for finger food, but Jason seemed to like it cooked up with some sesame seed oil, soy sauce, red pepper flakes, and Sriracha sauce), a bottle of wine, 2 loaves of organic bread, 3 cans of coconut milk, 3 cans of pumpkin, a bag of frozen chicken thighs, and 3 different types of sausage. And those are just the bigger items.

I have a bit of a cold on, so this is all I can manage for the time being. It might not make much sense, but I'm blaming the Benadryl.

As always, enjoy your loved ones and your life with a Spoonful of Sugar.

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