Friday, March 29, 2013

Guinness Stout Brownies, or The Greatest Thing I've Ever Shoved Into My Mouth

So remember a while back when I was lamenting the fact that Husband doesn't really like sweets? Fixed it.

We are a Guinness household. It's the main beer we buy. Sometimes we get Murphy's Stout (aptly named, don't you agree?) or Yuengling Black and Tan, but we're really a Guinness house. Husband loves the stuff. Would have it morning, noon, and night if he could. And I'm rather fond of it myself. Even Wee One has had some experience with the brew.
 (In which Wee One swipes Daddy's beer and pours it all over himself, with hilarious and cute results.)
So when I found a recipe for Guinness Stout Brownies, I had to try it. I mean, Guinness and chocolate all in one recipe? Hell yes.

Though I followed this recipe pretty closely, I always tend to diverge from the path and add my own flare to everything I make.

I didn't bother running to the grocery store for anything, since I had some left over chocolate and we always have Guinness at the house, so I basically used what we had.

Firstly, I put my stout on the stove to start reducing. (You're basically making a beer syrup, so that flavor is concentrated in the brownies.) *And although the recipe says it should just take 15 minutes, don't believe it. Mine took quite a long time to reduce, so don't worry. Patience is a virtue.*

I added all my chocolate--reserving some white chips to sprinkle over the top--into a bowl and then added the butter. Since I don't have a double broiler though, I just microwaved my chocolate. It works just as well, so long as you make sure to take the bowl out and stir every 20-30 seconds. Don't overheat it though!

While my chocolate was melting away, I started on the other ingredients, namely the cocoa and flour and eggs and sugar and such.
Above is the picture of the melted chocolate added to the egg and sugar mixture, then the flour and cocoa added as well. It'll look thick now, but just wait.
Instead of vanilla extract, since we haven't actually had any on hand since before the holidays, I used Cake Jack rum instead. I figured, what the hey. More booze never hurt. So I added it to the batter, then poured in the beer reduction.
The batter will become SUPER liquid-y at this point. Don't worry though, it's supposed to be that way. Pour your batter into your prepared pan and then sprinkle your reserved chocolate chips over the top.
Pop your pan into the oven and set your timer, then give your Husband and or your toddler a spoon to lick.
And before anyone gets onto me for giving Wee One a spoon of Guinness batter, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you to be quiet. All of the alcohol was cooked out at this point and the rum hadn't been added yet, so sit down and shut up with your "Oh my god, whatever possessed her to do that"s. My child, my house, my rules. If Wee One wants to lick a spoon, he licks a spoon. Take your preachin' somewhere else.

Now, let us carry on.

Once your brownies are done, take them out of the oven and let them cool to room temperature before cutting and enjoying. (I know, it's hard to wait, but trust me.)
This is my new favorite brownie recipe. I was disappointed that I couldn't really taste the beer right off, but they were richer and more moist than any brownies I've ever had/made. This is definitely one you need to try, whether you like Guinness or not. Like I said, it's not overwhelmingly Guinness-y. It's just plain good.

Until next time, Kitchen Comrades! I think I may be off to the grocery store to buy some chocolate chips and make another batch of these...

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