Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Ceeckuls", or How To Trick Your Kid Into Eating A Nutritious Snack

So this is L.

L is going to be 2 years old on November 23rd, and he’s currently in a picky eating stage (aka: BITCH MODE). L will usually eat anything he’s given. No, seriously. ANYTHING. The kids likes anchovy stuffed olives miso soup. He sucks the head-fat out of crayfish and shoves dates in his mouth like a maniac. Most of the time. Then there’s Bitch Mode L, who doesn’t want to eat anything you give him. Not even a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

As I said, he’s going to be 2 in a few weeks, which means he has a doctor’s appointment, which means the doctor is going to tell me that he needs to gain weight if he doesn’t start eating.

Enter Miller’s mad dash to the grocery store to get nutritious shit. I got him raw milk, raw cheese, high-protein raw yogurt, cod liver oil, baby cereal with DHA and probiotics, and pureed fruit. Now, L has a sweet tooth, so I mixed up some yogurt and fruit and cereal and added a spoonful of Nutella and told him it was ice cream. Didn’t buy it. Kid KNOWS his ice cream.

So, what is a slightly panicked, over-stressed mama to do?


Back in the summer I bought 2 of those popsicle mold trays from the dollar store and have gotten SO much use out of them. L LOVES popsicles, and so does his cousin who comes over to play quite a bit. I’ve made them from pineapple juice and pureed mango, peaches and blueberries, blueberries and yogurt, Gatorade (for a particularly horrific bought of the tummy flu), anything and everything you could think of can be put into a popsicle mold.

So, I got the idea to make some yogurt pops. I made 2 different kinds.


(As you can see, he’s already devoured a few of them.)

The pops on the left are my favorite because they have Nutella in them, and they’re friggen delicious. I mashed up a banana into a really smooth paste with only a few chunks, added a big-ol-hunkin-glob of Nutella, and a spoonful of raw yogurt, then mixed it all together and plopped it in the molds. It has a fudge-sickle like texture and tastes of chocolate and banana. (YUM!)

The pops on the right are also really good, but they have an ingredient that’s not super pleasant for adults. I mixed up a container of pureed berries and banana (baby food) with some raw yogurt, local honey (NOTE: HONEY CAN ONLY BE GIVEN TO BABIES OVER ONE YEAR OF AGE, OTHERWISE THEY COULD POSSIBLY GET BOTULISM!!!), and a few tablespoons of baby cereal. The baby cereal is a filler-upper, like oatmeal, so I added some on a whim. L likes both pops, but I like the cereal ones the best because they’re less messy.

Luckily, since making these, he’s getting a lot more food in a day, but thinks it’s just a popsicle! I’m also getting his cod liver oil into him through mixing it into his raw milk with chocolate powder in the mornings.


Smell ya later kitchen bitches.

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