Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mama's Gonna Preach

So today's post is going to be a little different.

Sorry in advance to all you closed-minded sheep out there. I am all about putting good food and good drinks into my body, and my family's bodies. Today I found out that according to our wonderful government, it's okay for companies NOT to label their products as using genetically engineered things or genetically modified things. REALLY? No...REEEEALLY???

Here are some companies, which I admit, I buy products from (strike that...USED to buy products from), that use GE foods. Kellogs, Kraft, Morningstar Farms, M&M and Mars, and Coca Cola. Honestly, I don't care that I've accidentally eaten a few GE things here and there over the years, but how dare they not label things that I might possibly give my child?

I think it's extraordinarily screwed up that to be healthy and eat healthily in America you have to spend oodles and oodles of money. I love organic food, but why can't it all be organic? Why can't everything cost as little as the non-organic, cheap, bad-for-you, and not-so-good-for-you foods cost? The government. That's why.

Because the government pays farmers to produce soy and corn and they put it in everything. High fructose CORN syrup. They feed corn to the cows, which isn't the best thing they could be feeding them, which in-turn, makes the products you buy from those cows not the best products you could be buying and eating.

I know I sound like one of those weird old hippie moms that breast-feed in public, don't shave their under-arms, and smell like patchouli, but...maybe I am. Maybe in my quest to better myself and my family I've turn into something and someone I would have made fun of in the past. And honestly, if that means that my son is going to be healthier and live longer than other children who are being fed happy meals and easy mac every night, then I think I'm okay with that. If eating organic, local food that's never even heard of hormones or antibiotics makes me someone to be made fun of, then laugh away America. I'll still be here munching on my delicious, flavorful, good-for-me food while the fast-foodies are 6-feet under after suffering massive coronaries.

Okay, now that's over. It might not have made the most sense, because I tend to be non-sensical when I'm this wound up. But hopefully, somewhere out there, one of you is making a decision. Maybe instead of going and getting those chips out of the pantry, or having another grease-trap burger and fries tonight, you'll check out your local organic store. Maybe you'll suddenly find that meat CAN taste better. (Mmmm, tasty, tasty meat...) Or that an organic cucumber is about the tastiest damn vegetable you can put into your tummy (in my opinion.) And that's good enough for me. If you're just angry that I yelled about organic food and how the government is trying to screw us all into an early grave, then that's okay too. I'll just make sure to dumb the wording down on my next post for you.

Until next time, enjoy your loved ones, and your life with a Spoonful of Sugar. (Or honey, or Stevia, or Truvia, or date sugar, or whatever non-processed sweetener you choose.)

If you would like to learn more about GE foods and how to avoid them, please visit these websites:






  1. You go girl! Your mama is proud of you!! And...she agrees.

  2. www.healthyhomeeconomist.com is a self-taught mother and nutritional guru who blogs about this stuff all the time. I get a lot of my up to date nutritional info from her and her recourses--and she's great when it comes to kiddie nutrition!
